All Phones Up Please (extra credit)

If all of my devices suddenly went dead what would I do instead…That means no computer, no phone, or even TV. It seems almost impossible in our teenage minds to live a day without any electronics. How are we supposed to keep up with our streaks on snapchat, or our daily posts on instagram.

Although it seems that we might as well sit around all day with nothing to do, but there is so much more we can do. Being someone that doesn’t have a phone I’m usually the one coming up with ideas for things we can do otherwise.

Sometimes I have a lot of homework so I don’t really have time for streaks or daily posts. I also have cello practice for 30 minutes everyday. You also can’t forget about volleyball practice. Chores also take up a lot of my time.

It’s not always homework or chores that take up my time. Sometimes it’s not anything that takes up my time. Friends usually invite me over for party’s or a sleepover, so then I can have fun without a cellular device.

People often ask me how “I survive” without a phone. But it’s actually quite nice. I don’t have to keep responding to texts. I also don’t have to be one of those rude friends that are on their phones 24/7.

So if your ever wondering how you can live a day without ANY device then just think of things you can do to help around the house, invite a friend, and always remember that a little sunshine and grass stains never hurt anyone.


The Plastic Problem

Hey guys, the weather this weekend was really great! My family and I were all out and enjoying it. We were busy so when it came time for dinner we decided to get fast food. It really got me thinking about plastic waste. I did some research and here are some of the basic facts.

  • Over a million marine animals die each year from plastic in the ocean
  • Sea turtles are the most affected by plastic
  • 50-80 percent of dead sea turtles have had plastic inside them
  • It is estimated that there is 100 million tons of plastic on the oceans around the globe
  • About 1 million plastic bags are used per minute worldwide

But there are so many things we can do to help stop the plastic problem. Such as skipping plastic bags, turn up straws (or get a reusable one), find a metal water bottle, recycle what you can, and don’t litter. For real Save the Turtles!